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About Amtrak Police Labor Committee

  1. Duties:

The Labor Committee shall be responsible for all aspects of the Collective Bargaining Unit which shall be comprised of all sworn Law Enforcement personnel of the Amtrak Police Department below the Rank of Captain, all personnel employed by the Amtrak Public Safety Department in the capacity of Communications Officer and all personnel employed by the Amtrak Public Safety Department in the capacity of Security Officer. They will be responsible for the collection of all fees, dues and assessments. They will be responsible for all levels of discipline of the Members in violation of the Labor Committee, Local Lodge, State Lodge or National Lodge By-Laws of the Fraternal Order of Police and/or the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Collective Bargaining Unit and Amtrak. They will be responsible for all phases of negotiating a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Collective Bargaining Unit and Amtrak. 


They are authorized to designate a Negotiating Committee to be chosen from the Members of the Collective Bargaining Unit, which will work to negotiate a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Collective Bargaining Unit and Amtrak. 


The Labor Committee will designate a Rules Committee to keep both the Local Lodge Executive Board and the Membership of the Local Lodge apprised of their current activities. This notice will be given monthly. 


General Membership Requirements:

Membership in the Labor Committee shall consist of all sworn Law Enforcement personnel below the Rank of Captain employed by the Amtrak Police Department as well as all non-sworn personnel employed by the Amtrak Public Safety Department or any successor employer or department of Amtrak, in the capacity of Communication Officer or Security Officer. All members must be members in good standing with a recognized Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police. There shall be four (4) classes of membership in the Labor Committee: Police Officer, Communication Officer, Security Officer and In-Active Member. 


Definition of Classes of Membership:

  • CLASS A - Police Officer: All sworn Law Enforcement personnel below the Rank of Captain employed by the Amtrak Police Department including but not limited to the Ranks of Police Officer, Detective, Sergeant and Lieutenant shall be eligible for membership as Police Officers.

  • CLASS B - Communications Officer: All personnel employed by the Amtrak Public Safety Department in the capacity as of Communications Officer shall be eligible for membership as a Communications Officer.

  • CLASS C - Security Officer: All personnel employed by the Amtrak Public Safety Department in the capacity of Security Officer shall be eligible for membership as a Security Officer.

  • In-Active: All personnel who formerly were covered under class a,  b, or c of this section, and left the Labor Committee in good standing due to a promotion to a rank or position in Amtrak not represented by the Labor Committee, shall be eligible to be In-Active members upon the payment of periodic dues determined by the Labor Committee.


Officers of the Labor Committee:

The Officers of the Labor Committee shall be Chairman (President of Lodge #189 or his designee), President, First Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, six (6) Regional Vice President’s, Supervisor Vice President, Communication Officer Vice President, and Security Officer Vice President.  An In-Active Member may not hold an Officer position within the Labor Committee.


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